
Melissa Gannon

A love of color is a driving force behind Melissa Gannon’s art—first in watercolor then acrylic, pastel, mixed media, and oil. Melissa enjoys painting nature. Her inspiration comes from travel, hiking, and exploring her local area. Her home in the Pacific Northwest provides ready access to the coast, rivers, mountains and desert. She loves painting outdoors—portraying a perfect peaceful place in the woods, a bird surveying the world, or the vibrancy of a bunch of daisies. She finds that observations made in plein air painting enhance her studio work. Along with creating art, Melissa shares her skills and knowledge through classes and workshops. She began teaching in 2001 and finds that it enhances her work as she strives to find challenging material for the fast-growing skills of her students. Some of her students have attended her classes for over ten years, and she loves seeing their artistic expression grow. Galleries exhibiting Melissa’s work include Earthworks Gallery in Yachats, OR and Aurora Gallery in Vancouver, WA. She participates in local shows including the Gresham Art Walk and the Oregon City Festival of the Arts. Visit to see her work, shows, and class schedule.


Each painting is a journey of discovery. Influenced by the Impressionists, I love to explore layering and arranging colors into vibrant patterns of light and beauty that unfold onto the canvas and reflect the joy inherent in the world around us. Nature is the primary model I paint from. I’m attracted to the shapes formed by light and shadow, the mosaic of sun-dappled leaves, or the visual delight of a meadow of wildflowers seen from a mountainside trail. I seek to share the wonder of these experiences in my work and bring a piece of nature’s bounty indoors for all to enjoy.


  • When are these classes available?

    These classes will be available beginning on June 13, 2023.

  • I’m a beginner. Will these classes be suitable for me?

    Yes. Each chapter contains easy to follow tutorials.

  • What about supplies?

    There is a supply list included in each Chapter. Melissa uses mostly Daniel Smith paints but includes information about which paints would work as substitutes. The artist is always free to change the color scheme as well. If you already have supplies, just use those.

  • How long are the videos available to me?

    The videos are available to you for 365 days.

  • What if I have a question?

    Please send an email to: [email protected].

  • What options are available for me to share my work?

    Work can be shared in in Melissa’s Facebook group-Painting with Melissa. If you aren’t on Facebook, you can also email a jpeg of your piece to Melissa for feedback.

  • Is it OK to create and sell a piece based on the supplied reference photo?

    Yes. Just realise that all of Melissa’s video content and demonstration paintings are subject to copyright. Any art created based on the reference photo is fine to use for your own work.


I appreciate that Melissa demonstrates her process from
planning to completion. She shares information about paints and different watercolor techniques. She makes real time abservations as the painting unfolds. She critiques as she paints and wraps up each session with an “educational critique” of the finished painting. —Cathy

Thank you for doing these online classes. There is so much inspiration and learning in them. I feel they cover just about all there is to know to be able to transfer
over into my own interpretation and painting experience. —Britt-Mari

Summer Painting Fun!

Sign up now for these eight watercolor classes beginning June 13. Classes will include painting projects from the beach to the mountains! Each class will include easy to follow videos and reference photos.